On the Spot

On the spot…with Gareth McConaghie

BANNSIDERS defender Gareth McConaghie is the latest member of the first-team squad to be ‘On the Spot’ as he answers a series of questions…

1. Occupation?

Maturation operator.

2. Favourite player of all time?

Rio Ferdinand.

3. Favourite meal?

Steak and chilli fries.

4. Pre-match breakfast?

Depends where the kids want to go – likely be an Ulster Fry.

5. Any lucky traditions?


6. PS4 or Xbox?

None – don’t have the time with the kids running about.

7. What teams do you support?

Leeds United.

8. Three guests for a dinner – dead or alive – who do you pick and why?

Rio Ferdinand – he is a player I always watched growing up and always try to be when playing.

Kevin Hart – he will provide the entertainment as he is funny on stage or in films.

Freddie Flintoff – he is another joker and I think it would be a good mix between these three.

9. Favourite movie?

Action film would be Sniper.

Comedy film would be Central Intelligence.

10. Your favourite moment as a Coleraine player?

Semi-final of the Irish Cup against Larne. I scored the second to put us 2-1 up and getting to celebrate with my wee girls and wife was special for me.

11. If you were deserted on an island, which Coleraine player would you choose to be with and why?

I sat beside Darren McCauley on the way to Serbia and he was reading a book underlying stuff and going to another book to write it all down. The knowledge of the man just goes on and on.

12. Who is your room mate on European trips?

Brad Lyons, aka Jam Jars.

13. If you could be a Coleraine player for one day who would it be and why?

No comment.

14. What other sports do you play?

I like a game of golf here and there but no good at all.

15. Who is your best mate at the club?

Alan Millar (physio) as I can’t get away from the bloody physio bed and room these days.