On the Spot

On the Spot…with Eoin Bradley

EOIN Bradley is the latest player to be ‘On the Spot’ as the striker answers a series of questions relating to life, football and everything in between…

1. Occupation?

A man of the world.

2. Favourite player of all time?

Ronaldo (the Brazilian one).

3. Favourite meal?

Peppered beef with rice.

4. Pre-match breakfast?

Poached eggs and toast.

5. Any lucky traditions?

Put my left sock on first.

6. PS4 or Xbox?

Neither – haven’t the time.

7. What teams do you support?

Man United, Celtic and Coleraine.

8. Three guests for a dinner – dead or alive – who do you pick and why?

Johnny Cash – he could sing.

Beyonce – she could dance.

Colin McKendry – he could pay!

9. Favourite movie?

Wolf of Wall Street.

10. Your favourite moment as a Coleraine player?

Scoring in the Irish Cup final.

11. If you were deserted on an island, which Coleraine player would you choose to be with and why?

Steven Douglas – he could keep the whole country in chat and I love hearing about him and Winkie back in the day.

12. Who is your room mate on European trips?

Ian Parkhill – have to sleep with one eye open.

13. If you could be a Coleraine player for one day who would it be and why?

Ian Parkhill – some of the reasons you are best not knowing.

14. What other sports do you play?

Gaelic and golf.

15. Who is your best mate at the club?

I have a few – Stevie O’Donnell, Stevie Lowry, Steven Douglas and Winkie Murphy. To be honest, we are probably as close a team as I’ve ever been involved with.

16. Do you think you will see more GAA players being involved in the Irish League?

I hope so, but it’s hard to know because the Gaelic is so time consuming and it’s hard to do both. I don’t play much GAA now, just a bit for the club.

17. Do you have any funny stories that are suitable for the club website?

Plenty of stories but probably not suitable for the website.